New Beginnings

What’s this, another attempt at a website? And it’s not just shitty raw html?

Well, for now at least. I wanted to make a website that’s not as held together by duct tape and dreams. I really appreciate the help that my friends have given me over the last few years, but the code base that was being used was difficult to work with. I’ll be honest, I’m not really into the idea of learning everything that comes with doing EVERYTHING through raw HTML and CSS(Sorry, Mr. Smith!)

I suppose I should give a quick history lesson as well. I started my journey of trying to get my little piece of internet real estate when I bought the domain in 2022. I had owned some domains in the past, but I had never tried hosting a site. I worked with my friend to make a website(You can see some archived versions here!) I also briefly used the domain after having a brief obsession with Postal, and the Russian-made expansion to Postal 2, Corkscrew Rules. I also thought the name of the company that made it, Akella was just pretty neat. Unfortunately I lost the domain, and it’s now selling for a lot more than I bought it for.

I’m not really sure what I’m gonna use this site/blog for. Maybe documenting what I’m up to? I don’t know who’s gonna read the blog of some 22-year-old IT student, but hey, if you’re here, welcome! I don’t know how often I’ll post, but we’ll see! I’m planning on doing some posting about the upcoming election in the US, so maybe that’s what I’ll focus on for a bit. That and whatever tech interests me. I’m also thinking about posting whatever philosophical topic interests me at the time, so we’ll see!